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File: Power.h
Contains: Power Manager Interfaces.
Version: Technology: System 7.5
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __POWER__
#define __POWER__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
#include <MixedMode.h>
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <Kernel.h>
#ifndef __NAMEREGISTRY__
#include <NameRegistry.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
The top of this file contains the Power Management interfaces used in Copland.
The pre-Copland interfaces are below right after a large and obnoxious comment.
Low level (I/O architecture) interface
Power Management usage monitoring.
High level families call PMMonitorUsage for each hardware device they maintain.
Power management will periodically send messages to the family requesting the
current UsageCount for each device.
If power management determines that a device is idle it may be taken off-line.
Prior to doing so power managment will send a message instructing the family to
prepare for the device being off-line. When the device is reqired again the family
uses PMPrepareDevice to instruct power management to bring the device back on-line.
typedef UInt32 PMUsageCount;
typedef struct OpaquePMMonitorRef* PMMonitorRef;
extern OSStatus PMMonitorUsage(RegEntryRef *deviceToBeMonitored, ObjectID adminMessageObject, void *refCon, PMMonitorRef *newRef);
extern OSStatus PMStopMonitoring(PMMonitorRef ref);
Device Power State Management
If a family maintains a device which is capable of switching between multiple
power states, the family should inform power management of the device's
capabilities and wait for messages directing it to change the device's power
enum {
kPMDeviceDescriptionInitialVersion = 1
typedef OSType PMDeviceStateID;
typedef UInt32 PMDeviceStateFlags;
enum {
kPMDevicePoweredMask = 0x0001, /* device powered vs. not */
kPMDeviceConfiguredMask = 0x0002, /* internal configuration retained vs. not */
kPMDeviceUsableMask = 0x0004, /* "on-line" vs "off-line" (usable or not) */
kPMDevicePowerLowestMask = 0x0100, /* set for device's highest state */
kPMDevicePowerHighestMask = 0x0200 /* set for device's lowest state */
struct PMDeviceState {
PMDeviceStateID id; /* state identifier - not interpreted by power management */
UInt32 relativeConsumption; /* relative ranking of power consumption */
PMDeviceStateFlags flags; /* one or more of the bits defined above */
typedef struct PMDeviceState PMDeviceState;
struct PMDeviceDescriptionHdr {
UInt32 version;
UInt32 numberOfStates;
typedef struct PMDeviceDescriptionHdr PMDeviceDescriptionHdr;
struct PMDeviceDescription {
PMDeviceDescriptionHdr header;
PMDeviceState states[2];
typedef struct PMDeviceDescription PMDeviceDescription;
typedef struct OpaquePMManageRef* PMManageRef;
extern OSStatus PMManageDeviceState(RegEntryRef *deviceToBeManaged, ObjectID adminMessageObject, PMDeviceDescription *deviceStates, ByteCount descriptionSize, PMDeviceStateID currentState, void *refCon, PMManageRef *newRef);
extern OSStatus PMNewDeviceState(PMManageRef manageRef, PMDeviceDescription *newStates, ByteCount stateSize, PMDeviceStateID currentState);
extern OSStatus PMStopManaging(PMManageRef ref);
Power Management notification.
Any entity in the I/O architecture can use these routines to be notified about
changes to device.
Clients use a mask to specify which device aspects they are interested in and
also to specify when to be notified. Flags describing the new state are generated
and delivered with the notification.
If the client is interested in power being removed and re-applied, they can request
it with (kPMNotifyAlwaysMask | kPMNotifyPowerMask). When the notification is
delivered the client can check the new flags against kPMNotifyBeforeMask and
kPMNotifyAfterMask to determine if the change has already occured or not. And can
check against kPMDevicePoweredMask to determine if the device will have power or
not in the new state.
typedef UInt32 PMNotifyFlags;
enum {
kPMNotifyPowerMask = 0x00000001,
kPMNotifyConfigurationMask = 0x00000002,
kPMNotifyUsabilityMask = 0x00000004,
kPMNotifyAllMask = 0x00000007,
kPMNotifyBeforeMask = 0x40000000, /* notification sent before change */
kPMNotifyAfterMask = 0x80000000, /* notification sent after change */
kPMNotifyAlwaysMask = 0xC0000000 /* notification sent before and after */
typedef struct OpaquePMNotifyRef* PMNotifyRef;
extern OSStatus PMNotifyStateChange(RegEntryRef *interestingDevice, ObjectID adminMessageObject, PMNotifyFlags notifyFlags, void *refCon, PMNotifyRef *newRef);
extern OSStatus PMStopNotification(PMNotifyRef ref);
Power Management message
This structure is used for all types of power management communication - usage
monitoring, state change notification, and state change commands.
enum {
kPMRetrieveUsageCountMessage = 1,
kPMChangeDeviceStateMessage = 2,
kPMNotifyStateChangeMessage = 3
union PMMessageData {
PMNotifyFlags newStateFlags; /* used in kPMNotifyStateChangeMessage */
PMDeviceStateID targetState; /* used in kChangeDeviceStateMessage */
typedef union PMMessageData PMMessageData;
struct PMMessage {
UInt32 ampReserved; /* reserved for use by AdminMessagePort service */
UInt32 messageCode; /* one of the message codes above */
void * refCon; /* */
PMMessageData data; /* message-specific extra data */
typedef struct PMMessage PMMessage;
Restoring an off-line or powered off device to a usable state.
When a device that has been taken off-line or has had its power removed is needed
again, the following routine should be called. This routine will return when after
the device has been restored (or has failed to be restored). Part of the restoration
process is delivering notifications to interested parties - kPMPowerRestore and/or
kPMPrepareOnLine messages will be delivered and processed before this routine
extern OSStatus PMMakeDeviceUsable(RegEntryRef *whichDevice);
Disabling & Re-Enabling power managment of a device.
Power management of a specific device can be disabled - this may be desirable
because of a resource reservation on some device.
Families can implement a family specific API on top of this that can allow
an application to turn off power management for a particular volume or display
When power management of some device is disabled usage monitoring will still
occur, but there will not be any requests to change the device state. The
domain of which the device is a member will not be changed either.
extern OSStatus PMDisablePowerManagement(RegEntryRef *whichDevice);
extern OSStatus PMEnablePowerManagement(RegEntryRef *whichDevice);
Domain Controller Power Management Plug-In interface.
Domain description
enum {
kPMDomainDescriptionInitialVersion = 1
typedef OSType PMDomainID;
typedef OSType PMDomainLevelID;
typedef UInt32 PMDomainLevelFlags;
enum {
kPMDomainOffMask = 0x0000,
kPMDomainFreezeMask = (kPMDevicePoweredMask | kPMDeviceConfiguredMask),
kPMDomainReducedMask = (kPMDomainFreezeMask | kPMDeviceUsableMask),
kPMDomainFullMask = (kPMDomainReducedMask | kPMDevicePowerHighestMask)
struct PMDomainLevel {
PMDomainLevelID levelID;
PMDomainLevelFlags flags;
typedef struct PMDomainLevel PMDomainLevel;
struct PMDomainDescriptionHdr {
UInt32 descriptionVersion;
PMDomainID domainID;
UInt32 numberOfLevels;
typedef struct PMDomainDescriptionHdr PMDomainDescriptionHdr;
struct PMDomainDescription {
PMDomainDescriptionHdr header;
PMDomainLevel levels[2];
typedef struct PMDomainDescription PMDomainDescription;
Domain plugin.
Plugin init routine returns pointer to a domain description as an out parameter.
enum {
kPMDomainPluginVersion = 0x01000000
typedef OSStatus (*PMDomainPluginInitProc)(PMDomainDescription **domain, UInt32 *numberOfDomains);
typedef OSStatus (*PMDomainPluginSetLevelProc)(PMDomainID domainID, PMDomainLevelID levelID);
struct PMDomainPluginDispatchTable {
UInt32 version;
UInt32 reserved[3];
PMDomainPluginInitProc init;
PMDomainPluginSetLevelProc setLevel;
typedef struct PMDomainPluginDispatchTable PMDomainPluginDispatchTable;
Platform plugin.
enum {
kPMPlatformPluginVersion = 0x01000000
typedef OSStatus (*PMSleepProc)(OSType *services, UInt32 numberOfServices);
typedef OSStatus (*PMHibernateProc)(OSType *services, UInt32 numberOfServices);
typedef OSStatus (*PMShutdownProc)(OSType *services, UInt32 numberOfServices);
typedef OSStatus (*PMRestartProc)(OSType *services, UInt32 numberOfServices);
struct PMPlatformPlugin {
UInt32 version;
UInt32 reserved[3];
PMSleepProc sleep;
PMHibernateProc hibernate;
PMShutdownProc shutdown;
PMRestartProc restart;
typedef struct PMPlatformPlugin PMPlatformPlugin;
High level (application) interface.
Disk timer: the time a disk must be idle before it is spun down (or other
power management actions are taken). Applies to all disks, but each disk
has its own timer (one can stay spun up while the others are spun down).
The minimum will be enforced.
These API control system-wide parameters for the power management of disk devices.
For control over a specific disk see the <Block Storage or File System> API.
enum {
kPMDiskSpinDownDisabled = 0
extern OSStatus PMSetDiskSpinDownTimeout(UInt32 seconds);
extern UInt32 PMGetDiskSpinDownTimeout(void );
extern UInt32 PMGetMinimumDiskSpinDownTimeout(void );
Display timer: the period of time in which there has been no user input
before a display is dimmed or turned off. Applies to all displays, but
each display has its own timer.
The minimum will be enforced.
enum {
kPMDisplayDimmingDisabled = 0
extern OSStatus PMSetDisplayDimmingTimeout(UInt32 seconds);
extern UInt32 PMGetDisplayDimmingTimeout(void );
extern UInt32 PMGetMinimumDisplayDimmingTimeout(void );
Idle state timer: the period of time in which all devices must be idle
before the system is [?]. Basically, this is the timer for whatever action
the user chose to happen when the system is idle. Could be sleep, hibernate,
or shutdown. If the user has explicitly disabled any action the routines
return an error.
The minimum will be enforced and will be greater than or equal to the
maximum of disk spin down and display dimming times.
enum {
kPMIdleStateDisabled = 0
extern OSStatus PMSetIdleStateTimeout(UInt32 seconds);
extern UInt32 PMGetIdleStateTimeout(void );
extern UInt32 PMGetMinimumIdleStateTimeout(void );
Idle state: routines to get and set the action to be taken when power
management has determined that the system is idle.
Disabled: nothing happens when the machine is idle
Sleep is a soft definition - depends on the hardware: differs
between portable and desktop systems.
Hibernate: save everthing and shutdown, on boot reload the saved
Shutdown: just shutdown, nothing restored on boot.
enum {
kPMIdleStateKindShutdown = 1,
kPMIdleStateKindHibernate = 2,
kPMIdleStateKindSleep = 3
extern OSStatus PMSetIdleStateKind(UInt32 idleStateKind);
extern UInt32 PMGetIdleStateKind(void );
Misc. timers: These allow for programmable shutdown and power on. These are
real absolute times - turn off at 6:00pm Jan 12 and back on at 8:00am Feb 1.
The 'DateAndTimeSpec' is a made-up placeholder.
Shutdown is a real shutdown.
IdleAction puts the machine into the chosen idle state - if the machine is
shutdown at the that time nothing happens.
PowerOn is either a normal boot or a return-from-idle depending on whether
the system is shutdown or is in its idle state.
#define kPMClearTime (ConstTimeObjectPtr) NULL
extern OSStatus PMSetShutdownTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr when);
extern OSStatus PMGetShutdownTime(TimeObjectPtr when);
extern OSStatus PMSetIdleStateTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr when);
extern OSStatus PMGetIdleStateTime(TimeObjectPtr when);
extern OSStatus PMSetPowerOnTime(ConstTimeObjectPtr when);
extern OSStatus PMGetPowerOnTime(TimeObjectPtr when);
/* Immediate control over system state*/
extern OSStatus PMRestart(void );
extern OSStatus PMEnterIdleState(UInt32 idleStateKind);
Other high level API.
Other families may want to implement their own power management API that is built
on top of the API presented here. Examples are the ability to turn off power
management of a specific storage volume or a specific graphics display. The battery
family will want/need to export a high level API that can show battery state.
User activity monitoring.
These routine are used by software that is interested in the lack of and resumption
of user activity. The usage model is as follows: software requests to be notified
when all user activity has ceased for a specified amount of time. Once that
notification has been delivered any user activity will cause the second notification
to be delivered immediately. After delivery of the resume notification, the reference
is invalid and software must request notification again if it so desires.
typedef struct OpaquePMUserMonitorRef* PMUserMonitorRef;
extern OSStatus PMMonitorUserActivity(UInt32 minutesIdle, KernelNotification *howToNotifyIdle, KernelNotification *howToNotifyResume, PMUserMonitorRef *newRef);
extern OSStatus PMCancelMonitoring(PMUserMonitorRef refToCancel);
Everything below this comment is the System 7.x Power Manager
This comment is really large and obnoxious so that the separation can be easily
found when scrolling through the file.
enum {
/* Bit positions for ModemByte */
modemOnBit = 0,
ringWakeUpBit = 2,
modemInstalledBit = 3,
ringDetectBit = 4,
modemOnHookBit = 5, /* masks for ModemByte */
modemOnMask = 0x01,
ringWakeUpMask = 0x04,
modemInstalledMask = 0x08,
ringDetectMask = 0x10,
modemOnHookMask = 0x20, /* bit positions for BatteryByte */
chargerConnBit = 0,
hiChargeBit = 1,
chargeOverFlowBit = 2,
batteryDeadBit = 3,
batteryLowBit = 4,
connChangedBit = 5, /* masks for BatteryByte */
chargerConnMask = 0x01,
hiChargeMask = 0x02,
chargeOverFlowMask = 0x04,
batteryDeadMask = 0x08,
batteryLowMask = 0x10,
connChangedMask = 0x20
enum {
/* commands to SleepQRec sleepQProc */
sleepRequest = 1,
sleepDemand = 2,
sleepWakeUp = 3,
sleepRevoke = 4,
sleepUnlock = 4,
sleepDeny = 5,
sleepNow = 6,
dozeDemand = 7,
dozeWakeUp = 8,
dozeRequest = 9, /* SleepQRec.sleepQFlags */
noCalls = 1,
noRequest = 2,
slpQType = 16,
sleepQType = 16
/* bits in bitfield returned by PMFeatures */
enum {
hasWakeupTimer = 0, /* 1=wakeup timer is supported */
hasSharedModemPort = 1, /* 1=modem port shared by SCC and internal modem */
hasProcessorCycling = 2, /* 1=processor cycling is supported */
mustProcessorCycle = 3, /* 1=processor cycling should not be turned off */
hasReducedSpeed = 4, /* 1=processor can be started up at reduced speed */
dynamicSpeedChange = 5, /* 1=processor speed can be switched dynamically */
hasSCSIDiskMode = 6, /* 1=SCSI Disk Mode is supported */
canGetBatteryTime = 7, /* 1=battery time can be calculated */
canWakeupOnRing = 8, /* 1=can wakeup when the modem detects a ring */
hasDimmingSupport = 9, /* 1=has dimming support built in */
hasStartupTimer = 10 /* 1=startup timer is supported */
/* bits in bitfield returned by GetIntModemInfo and set by SetIntModemState */
enum {
hasInternalModem = 0, /* 1=internal modem installed */
intModemRingDetect = 1, /* 1=internal modem has detected a ring */
intModemOffHook = 2, /* 1=internal modem is off hook */
intModemRingWakeEnb = 3, /* 1=wakeup on ring is enabled */
extModemSelected = 4, /* 1=external modem selected */
modemSetBit = 15 /* 1=set bit, 0=clear bit (SetIntModemState) */
/* bits in BatteryInfo.flags */
/* ("chargerConnected" doesn't mean the charger is plugged in) */
enum {
batteryInstalled = 7, /* 1=battery is currently connected */
batteryCharging = 6, /* 1=battery is being charged */
chargerConnected = 5 /* 1=charger is connected to the PowerBook */
enum {
HDPwrQType = 0x4844, /* 'HD' hard disk spindown queue element type */
PMgrStateQType = 0x504D /* 'PM' Power Manager state queue element type */
/* client notification bits in PMgrQueueElement.pmNotifyBits */
enum {
pmSleepTimeoutChanged = 0,
pmSleepEnableChanged = 1,
pmHardDiskTimeoutChanged = 2,
pmHardDiskSpindownChanged = 3,
pmDimmingTimeoutChanged = 4,
pmDimmingEnableChanged = 5,
pmDiskModeAddressChanged = 6,
pmProcessorCyclingChanged = 7,
pmProcessorSpeedChanged = 8,
pmWakeupTimerChanged = 9,
pmStartupTimerChanged = 10,
pmHardDiskPowerRemovedbyUser = 11
/* System Activity Selectors */
enum {
OverallAct = 0, /* general type of activity */
UsrActivity = 1, /* user specific type of activity */
NetActivity = 2, /* network specific activity */
HDActivity = 3 /* Hard Drive activity */
/* Storage Media sleep mode defines */
enum {
kMediaModeOn = 0, /* Media active (Drive spinning and at full power) */
kMediaModeStandBy = 1, /* Media standby (not implemented) */
kMediaModeSuspend = 2, /* Media Idle (not implemented) */
kMediaModeOff = 3 /* Media Sleep (Drive not spinning and at min power, max recovery time) */
enum {
kMediaPowerCSCode = 70
struct ActivityInfo {
short ActivityType; /* Type of activity to be fetched. Same as UpdateSystemActivity Selectors */
unsigned long ActivityTime; /* Time of last activity (in ticks) of specified type. */
typedef struct ActivityInfo ActivityInfo;
/* information returned by GetScaledBatteryInfo */
struct BatteryInfo {
UInt8 flags; /* misc flags (see below) */
UInt8 warningLevel; /* scaled warning level (0-255) */
UInt8 reserved; /* reserved for internal use */
UInt8 batteryLevel; /* scaled battery level (0-255) */
typedef struct BatteryInfo BatteryInfo;
typedef SInt8 ModemByte;
typedef SInt8 BatteryByte;
typedef long PMResultCode;
typedef struct SleepQRec SleepQRec;
typedef SleepQRec *SleepQRecPtr;
typedef struct HDQueueElement HDQueueElement;
typedef struct PMgrQueueElement PMgrQueueElement;
This ProcPtr uses register based parameters on the 68k and cannot
be written in or called from a high-level language without the help of
mixed mode or assembly glue.
typedef pascal long (*SleepQProcPtr)(long message, SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr);
typedef pascal void (*HDSpindownProcPtr)(HDQueueElement *theElement);
typedef pascal void (*PMgrStateChangeProcPtr)(PMgrQueueElement *theElement, long stateBits);
typedef UniversalProcPtr SleepQUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr HDSpindownUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr PMgrStateChangeUPP;
typedef Register68kProcPtr SleepQUPP;
typedef HDSpindownProcPtr HDSpindownUPP;
typedef PMgrStateChangeProcPtr PMgrStateChangeUPP;
struct SleepQRec {
SleepQRecPtr sleepQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short sleepQType; /* queue element type (must be SleepQType) */
SleepQUPP sleepQProc; /* pointer to sleep universal proc ptr */
short sleepQFlags; /* flags */
struct HDQueueElement {
struct HDQueueElement * hdQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short hdQType; /* queue element type (must be HDPwrQType) */
short hdFlags; /* miscellaneous flags */
HDSpindownUPP hdProc; /* pointer to routine to call */
long hdUser; /* user-defined (variable storage, etc.) */
struct PMgrQueueElement {
struct PMgrQueueElement * pmQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short pmQType; /* queue element type (must be PMgrStateQType) */
short pmFlags; /* miscellaneous flags */
long pmNotifyBits; /* bitmap of which changes to be notified for */
PMgrStateChangeUPP pmProc; /* pointer to routine to call */
long pmUser; /* user-defined (variable storage, etc.) */
struct BatteryTimeRec {
unsigned long expectedBatteryTime; /* estimated battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long minimumBatteryTime; /* minimum battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long maximumBatteryTime; /* maximum battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long timeUntilCharged; /* time until battery is fully charged (seconds)*/
typedef struct BatteryTimeRec BatteryTimeRec;
struct WakeupTime {
unsigned long wakeTime; /* wakeup time (same format as current time) */
Boolean wakeEnabled; /* 1=enable wakeup timer, 0=disable wakeup timer */
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct WakeupTime WakeupTime;
struct StartupTime {
unsigned long startTime; /* startup time (same format as current time) */
Boolean startEnabled; /* 1=enable startup timer, 0=disable startup timer */
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct StartupTime StartupTime;
extern pascal OSErr DisableWUTime(void );
extern pascal OSErr SetWUTime(long WUTime);
extern pascal OSErr GetWUTime(long *WUTime, Byte *WUFlag);
extern pascal OSErr BatteryStatus(Byte *Status, Byte *Power);
extern pascal OSErr ModemStatus(Byte *Status);
#pragma parameter __D0 IdleUpdate
extern pascal long IdleUpdate(void )
#pragma parameter __D0 GetCPUSpeed
extern pascal long GetCPUSpeed(void )
extern pascal void EnableIdle(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA485);
extern pascal void DisableIdle(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA485);
#pragma parameter SleepQInstall(__A0)
extern pascal void SleepQInstall(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr)
#pragma parameter SleepQRemove(__A0)
extern pascal void SleepQRemove(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr)
extern pascal void AOn(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xA685);
extern pascal void AOnIgnoreModem(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xA685);
extern pascal void BOn(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA685);
extern pascal void AOff(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7084, 0xA685);
extern pascal void BOff(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7080, 0xA685);
/* Public Power Management API (NEW!) */
#pragma parameter __D0 PMSelectorCount
extern pascal short PMSelectorCount(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 PMFeatures
extern pascal unsigned long PMFeatures(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetSleepTimeout
extern pascal UInt8 GetSleepTimeout(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SetSleepTimeout(__D0)
extern pascal void SetSleepTimeout(UInt8 timeout)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0003, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetHardDiskTimeout
extern pascal UInt8 GetHardDiskTimeout(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SetHardDiskTimeout(__D0)
extern pascal void SetHardDiskTimeout(UInt8 timeout)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0005, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskPowered
extern pascal Boolean HardDiskPowered(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SpinDownHardDisk
extern pascal void SpinDownHardDisk(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 IsSpindownDisabled
extern pascal Boolean IsSpindownDisabled(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SetSpindownDisable(__D0)
extern pascal void SetSpindownDisable(Boolean setDisable)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0009, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskQInstall(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr HardDiskQInstall(HDQueueElement *theElement)
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskQRemove(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr HardDiskQRemove(HDQueueElement *theElement)
#pragma parameter GetScaledBatteryInfo(__D0, __A0)
extern pascal void GetScaledBatteryInfo(short whichBattery, BatteryInfo *theInfo)
FIVEWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000C, 0xA09E, 0x2080);
#pragma parameter AutoSleepControl(__D0)
extern pascal void AutoSleepControl(Boolean enableSleep)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000D, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetIntModemInfo
extern pascal unsigned long GetIntModemInfo(void )
#pragma parameter SetIntModemState(__D0)
extern pascal void SetIntModemState(short theState)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000F, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 MaximumProcessorSpeed
extern pascal short MaximumProcessorSpeed(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 CurrentProcessorSpeed
extern pascal short CurrentProcessorSpeed(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 FullProcessorSpeed
extern pascal Boolean FullProcessorSpeed(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 SetProcessorSpeed(__D0)
extern pascal Boolean SetProcessorSpeed(Boolean fullSpeed)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0013, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetSCSIDiskModeAddress
extern pascal short GetSCSIDiskModeAddress(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SetSCSIDiskModeAddress(__D0)
extern pascal void SetSCSIDiskModeAddress(short scsiAddress)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0015, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter GetWakeupTimer(__A0)
extern pascal void GetWakeupTimer(WakeupTime *theTime)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7016, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter SetWakeupTimer(__A0)
extern pascal void SetWakeupTimer(WakeupTime *theTime)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7017, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 IsProcessorCyclingEnabled
extern pascal Boolean IsProcessorCyclingEnabled(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7018, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter EnableProcessorCycling(__D0)
extern pascal void EnableProcessorCycling(Boolean enable)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0019, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 BatteryCount
extern pascal short BatteryCount(void )
#pragma parameter __D0 GetBatteryVoltage(__D0)
extern pascal Fixed GetBatteryVoltage(short whichBattery)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001B, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter GetBatteryTimes(__D0, __A0)
extern pascal void GetBatteryTimes(short whichBattery, BatteryTimeRec *theTimes)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001C, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetDimmingTimeout
extern pascal UInt8 GetDimmingTimeout(void )
#pragma parameter SetDimmingTimeout(__D0)
extern pascal void SetDimmingTimeout(UInt8 timeout)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001E, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter DimmingControl(__D0)
extern pascal void DimmingControl(Boolean enableSleep)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001F, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 IsDimmingControlDisabled
extern pascal Boolean IsDimmingControlDisabled(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7020, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 IsAutoSlpControlDisabled
extern pascal Boolean IsAutoSlpControlDisabled(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7021, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 PMgrStateQInstall(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr PMgrStateQInstall(PMgrQueueElement *theElement)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7022, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 PMgrStateQRemove(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr PMgrStateQRemove(PMgrQueueElement *theElement)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7023, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 UpdateSystemActivity(__D0)
extern pascal OSErr UpdateSystemActivity(UInt8 activity)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0024, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 DelaySystemIdle
extern pascal OSErr DelaySystemIdle(void )
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7025, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetStartupTimer(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr GetStartupTimer(StartupTime *theTime)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7026, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 SetStartupTimer(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr SetStartupTimer(StartupTime *theTime)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7027, 0xA09E);
#pragma parameter __D0 GetLastActivity(__A0)
extern pascal OSErr GetLastActivity(ActivityInfo *theActivity)
TWOWORDINLINE(0x7028, 0xA09E);
enum {
uppSleepQProcInfo = kRegisterBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(long)))
| REGISTER_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, kRegisterD0, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(long)))
| REGISTER_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(2, kRegisterA0, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(SleepQRecPtr))),
uppHDSpindownProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(HDQueueElement *))),
uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(PMgrQueueElement *)))
#define NewSleepQProc(userRoutine) \
(SleepQUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSleepQProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewHDSpindownProc(userRoutine) \
(HDSpindownUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppHDSpindownProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine) \
(PMgrStateChangeUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewSleepQProc(userRoutine) \
((SleepQUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewHDSpindownProc(userRoutine) \
((HDSpindownUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine) \
((PMgrStateChangeUPP) (userRoutine))
#define CallSleepQProc(userRoutine, message, qRecPtr) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSleepQProcInfo, (message), (qRecPtr))
#define CallHDSpindownProc(userRoutine, theElement) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppHDSpindownProcInfo, (theElement))
#define CallPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine, theElement, stateBits) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, (theElement), (stateBits))
/* (*SleepQUPP) cannot be called from a high-level language without the Mixed Mode Manager */
#define CallHDSpindownProc(userRoutine, theElement) \
#define CallPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine, theElement, stateBits) \
(*(userRoutine))((theElement), (stateBits))
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __POWER__ */